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Automation Device

An Automation Device is a instance of an automation module.



  • Control Panel - The control panel to which the automation device is associated.
  • Automation Module - The automation module that the device is. Select which library to search (company library or global library) then being typing a module name or part number to search for available modules.
  • Belongs to Device - If the device is a communications module the device which 'owns' the automation device.
  • Name - Automation device name.
  • Serial Number - Automation device serial number.
  • Description - Automation device description.
  • Rack - Rack location of the automation device, if applicable.
  • Slot - Slot location of the automation device, if applicable.
  • Firmware - Automation device firmware version.
  • Communication Protocol - Communication protocol used.
  • Communication Address - Communications address.
  • Public Notes - Available for any notes related to the device. Notes are public and visible to all Employees and Clients.
  • Active - The device is active. If inactive the device will be moved to the bottom of the list view and high-lighted in red. Inactive devices can also be deleted and will remove all channel configurations.

If editing the Automation Device you will be required to enter a comment for the audit log.

Employee Access

Employee List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Devices
Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All devices belonging to company
Head Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All devices belonging to company
Head Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All devices belonging to company
Branch Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All devices belonging to branch user is associated with
Branch Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All devices belonging to branch user is associated with
Employee Yes Yes Yes Yes No All devices belonging to branch user is associated with

Automation Devices cannot be destroyed by standard employees. Since removing the device will permanently destroy the device, all associated data including flow meters, multi-variable devices, calibration reports, causes, etc. the destroy action requires a higher access level. An employee can set the device to inactive which will remove it from Client views but retain its data.

Client Access (when service provider enabled)

Client List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Devices
Customer Manager Yes Yes No No No All active devices belonging to customer
Customer Operator Yes Yes No No No All active devices belonging to customer
Area Manager Yes Yes No No No All active devices belonging to locations of users permitted areas
Area Operator Yes Yes No No No All active devices belonging to locations of users permitted areas
Location Manager Yes Yes No No No All active devices belonging to locations of users permitted locations
Location Operator Yes Yes No No No All active devices belonging to locations of users permitted locations

List Views


The Automation Device list views are available in two places.

  1. Sidebar - Select Assets > Automation Devices from the sidebar to display a list of all devices.
  2. Location View - Select Automation Devices from the menu when viewing a location to display a list of all devices associated with the location.

The lists are sorted by tag. Any de-activated devices are displayed at the end of the list and are highlighted RED to indicate the disabled status.



In addition to viewing the details of the device the view also displays the Flow Meter that belong to the device and the Channel Map for the device if it has Inputs/Outputs.

For details on editing the automation device channel information visit Channel Maps

The Automation Devices also have an Audit Log that is accessible on the detail view. The audit log displays the historical changes made to the device.


Automation Devices can only be deleted once the device is set to inactive. This allows devices to be temporarily hidden without permanent deletion. Deleting a device will also remove all flow meters and multi-variable devices associated with the device.

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