Company Registration
The company registration process is a guided 4 step wizard which will step through the registration of a company on the Observatorie platform.
Company (Step 1)
Setup the company by providing information for the head office as well as invoicing information for Observatorie.
- Name - The name of the company.
- Address Line 1 - The Head Office address of the company.
- Address Line 2 - The Head Office address of the company.
- City - The Head Office city of the company.
- State/Province - The Head Office state or province of the company.
- ZIP/Postal Code - The Head Office zip or postal code of the company.
- Country - The Head Office country of the company.
- Toll Free - The Head Office toll-free phone number of the company.
- Phone - The Head Office phone number of the company.
- Fax - The Head Office fax number of the company.
- Invoiving Email - The email address in which Observatorie will send invoices.
- Website - The website of the company.
- Default Currency - The default currency of the company. Each branch will specify its own currency but will default to this value.
- Business Type - The business type of the company (optional).
Create Default Trades - Will create some default trades depending on the business type if selected.
- Instrumentation Manager
- Instrumentation Apprentice - 1st Year
- Instrumentation Apprentice - 2nd Year
- Instrumentation Apprentice - 3rd Year
- Instrumentation Apprentice - 4th Year
- Instrumentation Journeyman
- Instrumentation Senior Journeyman
- Instrumentation Technician
- Instrumentation Foreman
- Parts
- Electrical Manager
- Electrical Apprentice - 1st Year
- Electrical Apprentice - 2nd Year
- Electrical Apprentice - 3rd Year
- Electrical Apprentice - 4th Year
- Electrical Journeyman
- Electrical Senior Journeyman
- Electrical Foreman
- Parts
- Automation Manager
- Junior Automation Specialist
- Automation Specialist
- Senior Automation Specialist
- Industrial IT Specialist
- Communications Specialist
- Parts
Enable Service Provider Tools - Enables the service provider tool features of Observatorie.
- Enable Asset - Enables the asset features of Observatorie.
Branch (Step 2)
Create the first branch office for your company. The system will pre-populate the fields with the values provided in the Company Head Office section.
- Name - The name of the branch office.
- Currency - The currency of the branch office.
- Address Line 1 - The address of the branch office.
- Address Line 2 - The address of the branch office.
- City - The city of the branch office.
- State/Province - The state or province of the branch office.
- ZIP/Postal Code - The zip or postal code of the branch office.
- Country - The country of the branch office.
- Toll Free - The toll-free phone number of the branch office.
- Phone - The phone number of the branch office.
- Fax - The fax number of the branch office.
- Email - The email address for the branch that will appear in the header of work tickets, quotes and purchase orders.
- Website - The website of the branch. This website will also appear in the header of your documents.
Administrator (Step 3)
Create the first company administrator.
- First Name - The first name of the user.
- Last Name - The last name of the user.
- email - The email of the user (used for logging in to Observatorie).
- Phone (Optional) - Work phone number for user.
- Time Zone - Time zone of the user.
- Password - Enter and confirm the password for the user for system access.
- Term Acceptance - You must agree to and accept our terms of use, cookie policy and privacy policy to use Observatorie. Each user will be required to read and accept these policies before using Observatorie.