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Equipment Rate

A Equipment Rate is a rate, appearing on Work Tickets, for a piece of equipment. Equipment Rates are Branch specific allowing for variable rates based on the branch.

If the item is test equipment it can be attached to Calibration Reports providing the information of test equipment used for the calibration.



  • Branch - Branch to which the equipment rate is assigned.
  • Owned By - Employee to which the equipment belongs (optional). If the equipment belongs to an employee it will appear on the employees timesheets and will add the payroll rate field.
  • Equipment Type - The equipment type.
  • Test Equipment - The equipment is used for calibrations. Choosing this type will also display the 'Has Reports?' attribute to enable the certification report uploads.
  • Vehicle - The equipment is a vehicle.
  • Tool - The equipment is a tool.
  • Kit - The equipment is a kit that includes other equipment.
  • Miscellaneous - The equipment is miscellaneous.
  • Name - Equipment Rate name, this name appears on Work Tickets.
  • Manufacturer - Equipment manufacturer.
  • Model - Equipment model.
  • Serial/ID Number - Equipment serial number or other identification.
  • Shop Tag - Equipment shop identifier, will appear on Work Tickets.
  • Rate - Charged rate.
  • Payroll Rate - Rate paid to employee if the equipment is employee owned.
  • Charged Daily? - Check if the equipment is charged out at a daily rate, otherwise equipment is charged at an hourly rate.
  • Included in Kit - If the equipment is included in a kit, select the kit from the dropdown.
  • Has Reports - If the equipment is 'Test Equipment' check this box to enable the uploading of certiciation reports.
  • Active - The rate is active. If inactive the rate will be hidden from the list view.

If the equipment has reports they can be uploaded into Observatorie from the Edit view and are made available on Calibration Reports.

Employee Access

Employee List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Equipment Rates
Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All equipment rates belonging to company
Head Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All active equipment rates belonging to company
Head Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All active equipment rates belonging to company
Branch Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All active equipment rates belonging to users assigned branch
Branch Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All active equipment rates belonging to users assigned branch
Employee Yes Yes No No No All active equipment rates belonging to users assigned branch

Employees have access to the table view and detail view of equipment but cannot view rate information.

Client Access

Client List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Equipment Rates
Customer Manager No No No No No None
Customer Operator No No No No No None
Area Manager No No No No No None
Area Operator No No No No No None
Location Manager No No No No No None
Location Operator No No No No No None



If the equipment is of type 'Test Equipment' and has reports an additional panel will be displayed showing the certification report information.


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