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Labour Rate

A Labour Rate is a rate, appearing on Work Tickets, for a given Trade. Labour Rates are Branch specific allowing for variable rates based on the branch.



  • Branch - Branch to which the rate is assigned.
  • Trade - Trade to which the rate is assigned.
  • Name - Rate name, this name appears on Work Tickets, not the Trade name.
  • Regular Rate - Charged rate for regular time.
  • Overtime Rate - Charged rate for overtime time.
  • Holiday Rate - Charged rate for holiday time.
  • Regular Rate Pay - Employee payment rate for regular time.
  • Overtime Rate Pay - Employee payment rate for overtime time.
  • Holiday Rate Pay - Employee payment rate for holiday time.
  • Active - The rate is active. If inactive the rate will be hidden from the list view.

The Pay Rates are the default rate for the Employee's trade. If the Employee has a rate that differs from the default rate set here each Employee has individual pay rate attributes that will over-ride these defaults.

Employee Access

Employee List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Labour Rates
Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All labour rates belonging to company
Head Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All active labour rates belonging to company
Head Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All active labour rates belonging to company
Branch Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All active labour rates belonging to users assigned branch
Branch Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All active labour rates belonging to users assigned branch
Employee No No No No No All active labour rates belonging to users assigned branch

Client Access

Client List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Labour Rates
Customer Manager No No No No No None
Customer Operator No No No No No None
Area Manager No No No No No None
Area Operator No No No No No None
Location Manager No No No No No None
Location Operator No No No No No None




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