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A Shipper is a shipping services provider for company materials, and is used as a vendor attribute.



  • Branch - Branch to which the shipper is allocated.
  • Name - Shipper name.
  • Account Number - Account number with shipper.
  • Toll Free - Shipper toll free phone number.
  • Phone - Shipper phone number.
  • Fax - Shipper fax number.
  • Address Line 1 - The address of the shipper.
  • Address Line 2 - The address of the shipper.
  • City - The city of the shipper.
  • State/Province - The state or province of the shipper.
  • ZIP/Postal Code - The zip or postal code of the shipper.
  • Country - The country of the shipper.
  • Email - Contact email address.
  • Website - Shipper website.
  • Private Notes - Available for any notes related to the shipper. This field is only readable by managers and administrators and employees that have a 'Parts' trade.

Employee Access

Employee List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Shippers
Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All shippers belonging to company
Head Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All shippers belonging to company
Head Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All shippers belonging to company
Branch Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All shippers belonging to users assigned branch
Branch Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All shippers belonging to users assigned branch
Employee Yes Yes No No No All shippers belonging to users assigned branch

Employees cannot view account information however employees with 'Parts' trade can view the account number.

Client Access

Client List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Shippers
Customer Manager No No No No No None
Customer Operator No No No No No None
Area Manager No No No No No None
Area Operator No No No No No None
Location Manager No No No No No None
Location Operator No No No No No None



In addition to viewing the details of the vendor the view also displays a list of Vendors that list the shipper as the preferred shipper.


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