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A timesheet is an interval of a pay schedule displaying the work tickets for that time period.

Employee Access

Employee List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Timesheets
Administrator Yes Yes No No No All timesheets belonging to company
Head Office Manager Yes Yes No No No All timesheets belonging to company
Head Office Administrator Yes Yes No No No All timesheets belonging to company
Branch Office Manager Yes Yes No No No All timesheets belonging to users assigned branch
Branch Office Administrator Yes Yes No No No All timesheets belonging to users assigned branch
Employee Yes Yes No No No Users timesheet only

Client Access

Client List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Timesheets
Customer Manager No No No No No None
Customer Operator No No No No No None
Area Manager No No No No No None
Area Operator No No No No No None
Location Manager No No No No No None
Location Operator No No No No No None

List Views

The list view displays a listing of previous pay schedule intervals sorted by date.




The timesheet detail view displays a timesheet for the user for a given pay schedule interval.


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