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Quote Task

Quote tasks are organization units to break the work into individual sections.




Selecting a trade will populate the rate fields automatically but rates can be set manually for the quotation.

  • Trade - Trade required for task.
  • Regular Hours - Hours of regular time for trade.
  • Regular Rate - Charged rate for regular time.
  • Overtime Hours - Hours of overtime time for trade.
  • Overtime Rate - Charged rate for overtime time.
  • Holiday Hours - Hours of holiday time for trade.
  • Holiday Rate - Charged rate for holiday time.


Selecting a piece of equipment will populate the rate fields automatically but rates can be set manually for the quotation.

  • Equipment - Equipment required for task.
  • Quantity - Quantity of equipment for trade.
  • Rate - Charged rate for equipment.


Selecting a piece of material will populate the rate fields automatically but rates can be set manually for the quotation.

  • Material - Material required for task.
  • Quantity - Quantity of material for trade.
  • Rate - Charged rate for material.

Employee Access

Employee List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Quote Tasks
Administrator Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted Tasks of all quotes belonging to company
Head Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted Tasks of all quotes belonging to company
Head Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted Tasks of all quotes belonging to company
Branch Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted Tasks of all quotes belonging to users assigned branch
Branch Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted Tasks of all quotes belonging to users assigned branch
Employee Sales Only Sales Only Sales Only Sales Only Until Submitted Sales Only Until Submitted Sales Only - Tasks of all quotes belonging to users assigned branch, Standard - Tasks of all approved quotes belonging to users assigned branch

*Please see the Special Trades for further details on sales permitted employees.

Once a quote has been submitted it becomes locked and changes are no longer allowed.

Client Access

Client List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Quote Tasks
Customer Manager No No No No Tasks of all submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to customer
Customer Operator No No No No Tasks of all submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to customer
Area Manager No No No No Tasks of all submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to locations of users permitted areas
Area Operator No No No No Tasks of all submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to locations of users permitted areas
Location Manager No No No No Tasks of all submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to locations of users permitted locations
Location Operator No No No No Tasks of all submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to locations of users permitted locations



In addition to viewing the details of the quote task the view also allows for inline editing of the task.


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