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A Quote is a work proposal containing a collection of tasks to be completed and the Labour/Equipment/Material required.

The quote tasks are organization units to break the work into individual sections. Details on Quote Tasks can be found here. Quote Tasks

Quotes are automatically numbered based on the document format specified in the company settings.



  • Date - Quote date.
  • Branch - Branch which provided the quote.
  • Employee - Employee who prepared the quote.
  • Customer - Customer for whom the quote was prepared.
  • Area - Area for which the quote was prepared.
  • Location - Location for which the quote was prepared.
  • Client - Client for which the quote was prepared.
  • Description - Quotation description.
  • Notes - Quotation internal notes. The notes are not visible by the customer.

Employee Access

Employee List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Quotes
Administrator Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted All quotes belonging to company
Head Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted All quotes belonging to company
Head Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted All quotes belonging to company
Branch Office Manager Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted All quotes belonging to users assigned branch
Branch Office Administrator Yes Yes Yes Until Submitted Until Submitted All quotes belonging to users assigned branch
Employee Sales Only Sales Only Sales Only Sales Only Until Submitted Sales Only Until Submitted Sales Only - All quotes belonging to users assigned branch, Standard - All approved quotes belonging to users assigned branch

*Please see the Special Trades for further details on sales permitted employees.

Employees have access a quote once it has been approved in order to manage work hours, however the rates are not visible by Employees.

Once a quote has been submitted to the customer it can no longer be edited or deleted.

Client Access

Client List View Detail View Create New Edit Existing Delete Accessible Quotes
Customer Manager Yes Yes No No No All submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to customer
Customer Operator Yes Yes No No No All submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to customer
Area Manager Yes Yes No No No All submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to locations of users permitted areas
Area Operator Yes Yes No No No All submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to locations of users permitted areas
Location Manager Yes Yes No No No All submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to locations of users permitted locations
Location Operator Yes Yes No No No All submitted, approved or not approved quotes belonging to locations of users permitted locations

Quotes are visible by Clients once the state has been updated to Submitted.

Details - Standard View


The show view displays on overview of the quote as well as each of the tasks of the quote.

The quote workflow is as follows.


Along the top of the view the state of the quote is displayed and can be altered by clicking on the buttons.







Details - Detailed View

Once the Quote has been approved the detail view changes to display the work tickets, labour, equipment and material that have been associated to the Quote.


The detailed view is not available to Clients.


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